Gnomi & Me: Behind the Scenes on The Martha Stewart Valentine Show
Dani Fiori and Martha Stewart are seen in this photo from the production of “The Martha Stewart Show” in NYC on February 2, 2012. Photo: Rob Tannenbaum/The Martha Stewart Show'
This post will be “short and sweet” because the follow up will be total juice! For our Valentine segment on The Martha Show, we got permission to film a video blog which was really fun. Mike Boylan of Michael Boylan Creative Video Productions shot our behind the scenes and he is editing the footage as we speak!
Here are a few photos I snapped…
196 owls for Martha’s audience were given away on the 1 year + 1 day “birthday” of our Sweet Dani B lovebird owl! Life is Sweet!
I shared a delicious cappuccino with Gnomi as we got settled in the greenroom…
Later, Gnome and Gnomi enjoyed hanging out with Martha’s Emmys!
As usual, I loved the way stylist, Kait Taylor, set up our segment!
Our Gnome & Gnomi “Love Plants” made beautiful and colorful set decoration!
Martha and I had so much fun decorating Gnomi- there was lots of giggling when Martha decided to change Gnomi’s dress to a strapless version! Dani Fiori & Martha Stewart are seen in this photo from the production of “The Martha Stewart Show” in NYC on Thursday, February 2, 2012. Photo: Rob Tannenbaum/The Martha Stewart Show